Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 11, 2010

"If the wind was distracted the prince

gradually take off his clothes, only one. Prince hearts silent thought, and then threw the clothes to the window. "Bang," the news of a sound sniper shots at the same time, the clothing thrown out by bullets breakdown. "It is now! hearts "Prince said. Half a rapid transformation investment in the window, aiming at that moment. "see you! "Prince grunt! "Bang-Prince speed" trigger chain reaction, rapid bullets flying to the enemy. Prince did not have been fired at the enemy to observe whether they were killed, in turn promptly. The observer enemy, the head of the upper enemies have not, directly through his neck bullets, tear down the head of the blood in their mouths dance...... call -- Prince long Shu a sigh of relief, to support blue Ho. But at this moment, sent a loud sound "boom----" Prince judge immediately when the pressure of the voice of the bomb. Fighting continues.... The first volume chapter 36 The chapter 36 "The bombing." a loud sound mixture of wooden doors, splashing into the room. Xu Jing in an explosion at the same time, the prince to Prince close to the room, because it from the Prince of the room, only the enemy in order to avoid the attack. The blue Ho Yin Fang has brought into the kitchen, will arrange a corner in the kitchen, watching the Yin Fang also closely watching the blue hao! Blue HO just now that she had left the violation of her. Thus said: "I am sorry, just in emergency situations. " Yin Fang looking blue Hao misunderstanding, I would like to explain, but for the bombing "--" a loud sound interrupt Yin Fang! The body quickly blocked blue Ho Yin Fang. And then said, "damned! Yin Fang you do not remain a move. I come back soon. "That is blue Hao pistol slowly in the living room to find out! To prevent them.... "You nothing? "The Prince live impact did not stop discount louboutin in Xu Jing asked. "Yan. I have nothing to do but do not know how blue Hao and Yin Fang. They will soon come in the attack. Fast call support, it seems that they found us! Xu Jing gasping for breath "a rough gas said. Prince looking out of the situation, there is no enemy attack, and then come up with a radio call, saying, "The Prince, the White House have been attacked, reinforced as soon as possible. "( the White House was established here their blue Hao command) "wind, understanding and hold on. 10 minutes. "If the wind was distracted the prince, White House has been attacked, they are blue Hao was found. But there is no time asked why the attack, because time is the life! "All players 1 rapid reinforcement White House. " "fangs, 2 minutes later. Fang, "the suspect is prepared to investigate the room, players are heavily armed while sniper shots just very weak, but escaped fangs experience the double the ears, so that all members of the armed group 2, is here to report to the blue HO not normal to hear the prince crying for help. Armed good players immediately blue Hao support them. Prince heard immediately to the reinforcement, and

Another armed elements found their companions were killed and quickly a Standard roll of military action

extremely dangerous. The prince is also not born out of the Observer of the prince suddenly found that the opposite the suspects were not even know where to combat equipment with a sniper rifles, did not stop the targeted directly at Prince. "Bang," the shots, hot bullets shot flew to the Prince of the air. Prince equipment directly behind the rapid a tumble, avoid fatal shot, bullet hit Prince earlier in the local floor, 5 cm hit a radius of Tai Hang, splashing floor debris shot in the face of the prince, insert the skin. The wounds from Blood Prince Midstream, covered his face. "damned! "Prince of a sound criticism, and does not mind if the wound on his face, one of the former Division have been on the ground equipment against sniper rifles to counterattack...... At that time, the blue Xu Hao and two are still locked in suppressing the enemies. call-Blue Ho, called a sigh of relief. I have just heard the sound sniper rifles, not issued by the prince, only if the enemy, the prince is also a very dangerous situation, it is not known to be dead or alive. In this way, he said. Thus blue Hao rapid change in a gun cartridges, watching the enemy on the walls, shot and beat the cheerful, but these are deadly bullets! The control over the blue Ho right foot urgent peddling of stone, missile out! At the same time the pistol rapid aimed at eradicating armed elements are crazy. "Bang Bang Bang---- 3" guns were also hit the enemy, s head, blood shoot! Blue Ho turned a landing firmly landing. Where to Go to the rapid Yin Fang, said: "You do not? " Yin Fang Hao firm looking at the blue eyes, and suddenly feel that as long as the blue Ho next to the security "is nothing I. " At that time, another armed elements found their companions were killed and quickly a Standard roll of military action, hiding in the corner, and then quickly come up with a hand grenade, started throwing insurance to blue Hao direction. "damned! "Because the quiet down the enemy started insurance clasp voices were heard blue hao! A sound criticism of the blue Ho saw grenades flew directly. The blue, emergency health Chi Ho high jump and will fly directly to kick the grenades flew outside the window. "boom----" grenade exploded outside the window, blue Ho quickly physically blocked Yin Fang. And she will hold the one hand, to go to the kitchen. This, Xu Jing and seize the opportunity, rushed to the other one louboutin sale enemy of the gun, Ma cellular directly to him. call-Xu Jing long called a sigh of relief, slowly on the view of the enemy situation. The prince, have escaped the attack the enemy of the three shooting, the enemy of marksmanship is too fast. It is not the time to Prince shooting, the prince, hidden in the room where the corner of the shadow of enemy fire, is security. However, if not resolved off enemy, it is a very serious consequences. The explosion was heard outside the voices and stimulate the nerves of the prince, it cannot, and can only do so. Prince

Shattered glass sent a wave of voice

reported. "What do you say? With lost? the "Blue HO does not believe that listening to the report of the wind. "The Group noted that immediately dispatched the Hefei to find a way to find them, I now request immediately Hefei police assistance. start of operations. "Blue Ho over the hearts of anger, it is not angry, after all, no matter how ROARs will not find the enemy." The first volume chapter 35 The chapter 35 The sudden, nor even a precursor to throw it with the suspect, only when they left the room! "Xu Jing, and Hefei) on the public? "Blue Hao calm down the hurry, cool asked Xu Jing. "The Link has promised to help us dispatched police, and the police have standby, but the specific needs of the suspects. Xu Jing "calm down and look at the Blue Ho "We know that the information transmitted to the past, they must do their utmost to help us! " "Prince of the suspect may be room for what happened? "Blue Ho turned asked is observing the prince. "What happened not only in the room, move, did not go out signs. "The answer to the prince faint, but his heart is filled with anger, death and elements of the East, has just disappears, where you! "To monitor and report immediately. "Blue Hao order. At that time, the blue Ho consider how to identify the rat, the lead in the breeze full member of the Group 1 Street when the search for suspects..... Ho suddenly blue in the room in the room, shattered glass sent a wave of voice, Yin Fang sent shock at the same time the screaming.... "What? "The sound blue Hao and Xu Jing quickly pistol allocated to go to, and the prince, is not as Prince task now is to monitor the opposite is only one remaining suspects, and the subsequent to the blue Hao, member of the confidence. prince watched opposite the suspect, frequently, like all around the disappeared, housing, the news of the guns have disappeared. It seems that the prince and the only remaining suspects that the suspects have been moves. Blue Hao and Xu Jing break through the door of the room lights flashing that has been established, the room of the two large windows shattered the glass, Ho blue eyes on the judgement was directly into the broken windows, smashed the glass. scattered on the ground to slide rope. "there was room. "Blue HO would like to remind Road, Xu Jing, a sign that forward search. The flashing light blue Hao moment, found hiding in the corner of the Yin Fang, a sign that cover the Xu Jing, blue Hao immediately to her by the Xu Jing, observing the pillars in the sitting room of the room to cover blue hao! At this moment, when Lan Yin Fang Hao will soon be reached, the room dark corners suddenly rushed out a heavily armed men are enemies, flak jackets and bullet-proof helmets..... is a complete armed to the teeth of the enemy. 2 The enemy is not, will be directly micro assault rifles, one of the blue Hao rounds. Blue Ho found in the enemy rushed out of the moment, a spring hiding behind the pillars in the living room, bullets in the room shuttle, columns, shot down a collection of cement, splashed on the full house dust. Xu Jing found in the christian louboutin enemy attacks blue Hao was ready to cover fire. When the room suddenly discovered that there are broad sofas behind an enemy, direct suppressed Xu Jing. Xu Hao and say that blue quiet situation is

And also excited can finally action

private car parked in the hotel to answer the garage. "aware of it, now the mouse you! the "Blue Hao entrusted a breeze. "understanding" breeze touch on his neck, finally, we finally heart begins. Thus, the radio said, "1 group that I am a breeze, will soon be rat holes, ready to meet....." ". " "In the early this moment. " "I will soon health christian louboutin discount spider webs, can finally! " ..... all players in the vent their grievances, and also excited can finally action. "We note that this is a happy, rats, a car black vehicles van. "Happy into a hotel in the security of rats were found in the hotel entrance, and so on. "Understanding. "The wind started slowly, the target vehicle forward, carefully followed. Black vans, to the city, noting that there is no way behind the track of wind, looking at the time has been a change of the 15 minutes. Thus, the radio said, "the crazy? you next connect to the road bends. " "crazy, I have in front. "the other five vehicles were behind the wind, but not the only way to determine the change in the road junctions, such as crazy to connect to the wind, he will outweigh the shortcut from the previous junction waiting for them, the suspect car comes, insane to keep up with their vehicles and road junctions in the breeze on the left side. This would reduce the rate of light vehicle tracking..... The suspected car lunatic seen over the past, it will keep up with "Rats are keeping up, he is to express Zimbabwe direction. " "Understanding. "We answered. The suspects would be Hefei scenic areas, are playing a again, but without any valuable information. until 5 pm. "We note that mice seem to want to return to their nests. A little impatient with the wind "enemies of the vehicle, a busy day even after all, what have been found. "Understanding. To meet is ready. "Our players had to answer. The suspect vehicles on the viaduct, far in the breeze led follow them, at this point. The suspect car suddenly stopped. "The situation, it noted. "The one in front of the current situation in the breeze, immediately command, but at this moment, a notice of intention not to happen. 7 suspects stop passengers to alight at the fastest pace to turn over the middle road blocks and road to the other side, and the road there are also stopped a car suddenly the door open. The suspect car speed. It was so that the Group has not yet members of the mandate of the response, they will be lost. Looking at the car disappeared from the informers, breeze severely hit by the steering wheel, death, even on this and lost. When the us? he actually did n,t even see license plates. "wind now? Not far away, "Dragon at the car. "They can do to turn in Hefei is to look at the end of the DPRK was to identify them. " "This is the breeze, rats and lost. "Blue Hao breeze shall not be

Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 11, 2010

And that posture all at once frightened

Fat is a mysterious smile, leaving four words to leave the kitchen.

"Two and a half."

However, the sound is too small, Mr Chen did not hear it clearly.

One and a half hour later, Mr Chen Distressed standing in the doorway, holding a kitchen knife against the fat man said: "Chef, can not change others, the service room

and is not nobody, why is if I!"

"It would be better to point business on the weekends, you do make do with second waiter, and so down the hotel assigned us a waiter you do not have that anymore."

Patting the shoulders of Mr Chen said: "Go to change clothes. "

Clenched fist, the truth will be in the hands of a kitchen knife to cut off fat.

Head down, holding a kitchen knife and walked toward the locker room.

"Eh ... ... your knife, do you take a kitchen knife!" Mr Chen fat followed behind, pointing to Mr Chen.

Mr Chen Meng turned, knife held it aloft, the speed of stature, and that posture all at once frightened.

This move at once to the hall where the guests and waiters over quickly, while the fat man himself is directly cited his hands covered his face. At the same time cried

out: "Mr Chen!"


So come relatively early

Mr Chen is now into the kitchen, because is a weekend, the kitchen will be prepared relatively more things, so come relatively early, after all, the breakfast

restaurant are all guests in the preparation. While he also is responsible only for breakfast and afternoon tea.

High strength and work at night did not live to involve themselves.

Place standing at the kitchen wash wash mushrooms, one after another, but also some colleagues came.

"Chen ah, today you can come awfully early, could there be the sun came out west?" Did not expect is that the first into the chef is actually in the kitchen!

That Feiyou face, the two eyes were rolling Di turning, kicking a few raw materials on the floor, squint at Mr Chen.

"But then again, Chen, from the work you have started from that day have never been late before, is not it."

There is no doubt! Almost all of Mr Chen before marching seconds 59 seconds into the kitchen.


Very clean the mushrooms carefully, ignoring the fat man behind Chef.

Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 11, 2010

And she told Murong Kam

Cooling off suddenly, which is in the ancient, naturally he did not know the word, so Road, "is to take home to eat!"
Toward the outside of a call Murong Kam, it will come in a small second serve, Murong Kam told Road, "according to this way do a two hour after the palace to go to the Chao." And then gave it a gold ingot Primary Two.
Looking at this table, the clear not move the food, and thought, is a waste of royalty and nobles, they would go on to take home to eat a new people to do.
It is grinning Primary Two to be a natural.
When leaving the restaurant, Murong Chin is the clear holding hands, and that warmth came from his warm palm.
Half threat Murong Kam Road, "one will we return to government, I want to watch you eat all the food!"
After just the clear feeling a lot better social catharsis, she looked up at him, "I and not a pig, how can eat so much!"
Murong Kam ridicule a laugh, "I can is to keep you as a pig, oh! You,d better give me a long glowing, more a couple of children!" Yes, he kept his word, and contrary to the original agreement that they .
The clear thinking in those Yingyingyanyan palace, and she told Murong Kam, although the relationship is harmonious than many of the earliest, but her heart is now filled with the Fang Shaoqi, perhaps, Fang Shaoqi is heart, and not have their own However, this is not the christian louboutin shoes same amount of love, each other how much their own as to how much operators clear.
Love is not a strengths being the thing.
She looked at Murong Kam uphold Fazheng, the atmosphere became embarrassed about.
Murong Kam Road, "took to horse!" Then they hold her on the horse.
Hu Hu is face across the banks of the wind, the clear light body fragrance Ruoyouruowu sucked into the nose in Murong Kam.
Star ⑥
The woman, her mind what has gotten?

They melt into the mouth like a lost

See the clear calm down a little with that with Kam Murong thin palms gently wiped her tears. His hand can draw and write, can also kill the enemy holding a weapon inspiring roll after roll.
Cry over, it seems that the heart christian louboutin shoes full of out of depression all the blame, though her mood is still bad but much better than before.
Murong Kam Road in speaking to her, "If do not want to eat products that this shark fin soup for a cup drink it! This is characteristic of this restaurant."
The clear side through that exquisite cup, pick up the spoon to eat it, that smooth taste, they melt into the mouth like a lost.
The clear nodded, "really good!"
Watching her eat very fragrant, pear think she just cried like rain that noise and Yang Jin is heart suddenly relieved.
He is concerned about her feelings, and he did not want to see her eyes look kind of lonely.
She suddenly looked up and asked Murong Kam, "how do you so good to me!?" Yes ah, just now he let himself cry in his arms to climb, but also that in speaking to cajole her.
Road followed the clear, "I will leave the baby full moon."
Originally, the clear time of poisoning, Murong Kam-to dispel the idea to let her leave, but this can be made now to the woman, but soon Murong Kam I thought, then, "you finished, I,ll take you places . "
The clear did not ask and continue to head down eating shark fin soup was delicious, but it is thought Murong Kam mind many things, some things he may indeed need to arrange for a little longer.
He was out riding with her, wanted to take her to go there, but just afraid she was hungry, stop in this restaurant before it stopped.
Star ⑤
Eat a bowl of soup was cooling off, looking at the food table for some sorry Murong Kam Road, "Excuse me, I really did not to my liking, or we fight back pack, right?"
Jin looked at her incredible Murong Road, "pack?" Such a strange word, he was first heard.

"I was miserable

Has never been this tough little woman look, no tears in front of him fall over!
Murong Yong Jin in her tightly in his arms, and good only in some rooms or else people think that he bullied her.
Cried the clear on that hum, Murong Kam asked her once, "how did it? Who wronged you?"
That is the clear reason is placed on the wearer would not say my heart, she only said, "I was miserable, cry!"
Jin is the way Murong held her in his arms to let her cry.
Her shoulders looked a Douyi Dou, and the softest heart Murong Kam a place like also to touch, the little woman looked very tough, but there is also such a weak moment, but this weakness is to let people hurt pity!
Star ④
Her shoulders looked a Douyi Dou, and the softest heart Murong Kam a place like also to touch, the little woman looked very tough, but there is also such a weak moment, but this weakness is to let people hurt pity!
Across his chest that reveals a brocade gown slight sense of hard muscle, the taste of him, helpless in that night had given her tremendous warmth.
Murong Jin does not seem to know that her initial indifference louboutin shoes but overbearing.
She did not stop crying to the tired, chest skirt Murong Kam has been wet with her tears.