Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 11, 2010

"If the wind was distracted the prince

gradually take off his clothes, only one. Prince hearts silent thought, and then threw the clothes to the window. "Bang," the news of a sound sniper shots at the same time, the clothing thrown out by bullets breakdown. "It is now! hearts "Prince said. Half a rapid transformation investment in the window, aiming at that moment. "see you! "Prince grunt! "Bang-Prince speed" trigger chain reaction, rapid bullets flying to the enemy. Prince did not have been fired at the enemy to observe whether they were killed, in turn promptly. The observer enemy, the head of the upper enemies have not, directly through his neck bullets, tear down the head of the blood in their mouths dance...... call -- Prince long Shu a sigh of relief, to support blue Ho. But at this moment, sent a loud sound "boom----" Prince judge immediately when the pressure of the voice of the bomb. Fighting continues.... The first volume chapter 36 The chapter 36 "The bombing." a loud sound mixture of wooden doors, splashing into the room. Xu Jing in an explosion at the same time, the prince to Prince close to the room, because it from the Prince of the room, only the enemy in order to avoid the attack. The blue Ho Yin Fang has brought into the kitchen, will arrange a corner in the kitchen, watching the Yin Fang also closely watching the blue hao! Blue HO just now that she had left the violation of her. Thus said: "I am sorry, just in emergency situations. " Yin Fang looking blue Hao misunderstanding, I would like to explain, but for the bombing "--" a loud sound interrupt Yin Fang! The body quickly blocked blue Ho Yin Fang. And then said, "damned! Yin Fang you do not remain a move. I come back soon. "That is blue Hao pistol slowly in the living room to find out! To prevent them.... "You nothing? "The Prince live impact did not stop discount louboutin in Xu Jing asked. "Yan. I have nothing to do but do not know how blue Hao and Yin Fang. They will soon come in the attack. Fast call support, it seems that they found us! Xu Jing gasping for breath "a rough gas said. Prince looking out of the situation, there is no enemy attack, and then come up with a radio call, saying, "The Prince, the White House have been attacked, reinforced as soon as possible. "( the White House was established here their blue Hao command) "wind, understanding and hold on. 10 minutes. "If the wind was distracted the prince, White House has been attacked, they are blue Hao was found. But there is no time asked why the attack, because time is the life! "All players 1 rapid reinforcement White House. " "fangs, 2 minutes later. Fang, "the suspect is prepared to investigate the room, players are heavily armed while sniper shots just very weak, but escaped fangs experience the double the ears, so that all members of the armed group 2, is here to report to the blue HO not normal to hear the prince crying for help. Armed good players immediately blue Hao support them. Prince heard immediately to the reinforcement, and

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